Machine-based material processing

Maschinelle Werkstoffbearbeitun - Christiani

Workshop for machine-based material processing

Training in the field of metal technology opens up a large number of different career options. Machine-based material processing ranks as one of the key qualifications of all metalworking professions. In this training lab, trainees learn the basic skills of modern metalworking and how to safely use the corresponding machine tools, finally focussing on examination preparations.

Learning objectives

  • Drilling, countersinking, reaming, milling, turning & grinding

  • Functional units of machines and how they work

  • Service life of tools

  • Manufacturing data and its calculation

  • Manufacturing individual parts with machine tools


  • approx. 324 m²

  • 16 trainees

Suitable for

  • Metal professions

with digital 3-axis position indicator DP 700 from NEWALL
with digital position display DPA 31
with base and integrated extraction system
1 Hinged Door | 4 Drawers

Due to regional legal differences, we would like to note that it is possible that not all products depicted are available for every region. In this case, we will be happy to advise you personally and find a suitable individual solution.

Mehr Ausstattung passend zu diesem Fachraum finden Sie hier

Unsere Didaktik passend zu diesem Fachraum

Learn the basics of CNC technology

Technical know-how and didactic knowledge for beginners and advanced learners