Just about everything can be controlled in the Industry 4.0 training lab – especially learning success
The central component of our sample training labs for the learning factory 4.0 is the modular and scalable SmartFactory. Here, everything revolves around state-of-the-art programming, control and production. The laboratory tables equipped with teaching systems are a useful supplement for the learning factory.
In the training lab Industry 4.0 trainers and specialist employees alike can learn a lot: From basic training to control engineering and robotics through to communication and data analysis, all aspects of the Internet of Things (IoT) can be taught with a practical, hands-on approach.
All teaching materials and training systems are modularly designed to work together, so you can expand your equipment as and when you need it.
Learning objectives
Suitable for
with 19" Aluminium Channel Twin, 2-row Experimental Frame and Hanging Container