Pneumatics / Electropneumatics

Pneumatik / Elektropneumatik

For everyone who needs a lot of air in training

Pneumatics and electropneumatics are important topics in industrial metal training. We developed this training lab to ensure that, when working and revising for the fi nal examination, there is still enough air for experimenting. At the workstation training systems, you can learn and practice both the theoretical principles and the practical skills – from control technology to PLC programming.

Of course, this training lab is also suitable for further training. We also offer training courses – from trainer workshops
to technical seminars for specialist employees – for complete planning and execution.

Learning objectives

  • Integrating control system technology components

  • Planning control systems

  • Installing and commissioning control systems

  • Ensuring the operational readiness of automated systems

  • Designing and testing pneumatic and electropneumatic control systems

  • PLC programming


  • approx. 119 m²

  • 16 trainees

Suitable for

  • Metal professions

Due to regional legal differences, we would like to note that it is possible that not all products depicted are available for every region. In this case, we will be happy to advise you personally and find a suitable individual solution.

More equipment suitable for this training lab is available here

Didactics suitable for this training lab

Control technology in theory and practice

Know-how for designing and implementing control systems in education and vocational training