Dedico – our new partner in Costa Rica

Dedico, didactic developments of Costa Rica, is a company specialized in high technology for education and industry. The company has taken an important role of didactic development for both, public and private education in the country. Dedico has been supporting and serving as a link between companies, institutions, and the national government, promoting international efforts between both parties. Our new partner is involved in the efforts to achieve the German dual education system in Costa Rica.

In this process, Christiani is a very important business partner for Dedico to carry out the work of supporting the technical education in the country. Our wide range of products allows Dedico to meet specific needs in the educational centers. Now Dedico is able to support the different counterparts. Dedico can also continue to expand their market reach in institutions that are also striving to achieve the industry 4.0.

Dual training is introduced in Costa Rica

Education is very important in Costa Rica: In 2019, the state spent 6.2% of its gross domestic product on primary, secondary and tertiary education of its population (Germany, in comparison: 3.7%). Only Norway invested more among OECD member states, according to figures from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

In the labor market, companies notice this, for example, in good language skills. “Costa Rica has the highest number of bilingual employees in all of Latin America,” explains Dr. Christian Schauer, Managing Director of the German-Costa Rican Chamber of Industry and Commerce (AHK). Therefore, companies there would not only be able to operate in Latin America, but worldwide. “Costa Rica was also the first Central American country to pass a dual education law in 2019/2020. As far as I know, it is even the first country in all Latin America,” the AHK chief said.

Between the German Federal Ministries of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Costa Rican Ministry of Public Education (Ministerio de Educación Pública, MEP) was signed a Joint Declaration of Intent on Vocational Training Cooperation of 07.03.2022.
