Vocational Training and Further Training on Industry 4.0 by Christiani
Ensuring Skilled Labour for the Indian Global Corporation Bharat Forge of the Kalyani Group
The German training provider Dr.-Ing. Paul Christiani GmbH & Co. KG operates a joint venture with the Indian company Sharpline since 2008. Both partners have been co-exhibitors at the major German and Indian industry and education trade fairs for years. In both markets, networking and cooperation are constantly being strengthened and expanded.
Implementation of Learning Processes on Industry 4.0
A major project on technical and vocational education and training in cooperation with the Indian company Bharat Forge of the Kalyani Group in the Indian city of Pune developed over the period between fall 2017 and spring 2018.
Bharat Forge, an Indian global player with several branch offices in Germany, had a clear vision on how learning process on Industry 4.0 should be implemented in the Indian headquarter. The first step of the cooperation was a tailor-made technology transfer of a mechatronic system according to the principles of Industry 4.0 by Christiani and the corresponding didactics in English.
The demands and educational objectives were clearly defined by Bharat Forge: vocational education and further training for the process analysis and process optimization of automation systems, SPS- and robot programming, crosslinking of industry components, implementation and maintenance of automated plants as well as troubleshooting.
Skilling Training Staff to Become Multipliers
The second step was the training of Bharat-Forge training staff to become multipliers at various branch offices in India. In April 2018, 12 Indian trainers visited Germany to this end for two weeks.
The curriculum at the Christiani Competency Center in the city of Rheine comprised theoretical and practical concepts of industry 4.0 using the example of an automation system called “Ubi-Factory”. Expecially the direct communication exchange among the team members as part of the learning module “occupational experiences and learning concepts” were very instructive for the whole group.
Skilling Training Staff to Become Multipliers
The second step was the training of Bharat-Forge training staff to become multipliers at various branch offices in India. In April 2018, 12 Indian trainers visited Germany to this end for two weeks.
The curriculum at the Christiani Competency Center in the city of Rheine comprised theoretical and practical concepts of industry 4.0 using the example of an automation system called “Ubi-Factory”. Expecially the direct communication exchange among the team members as part of the learning module “occupational experiences and learning concepts” were very instructive for the whole group.
Target Achieved: Multipliers in Charge in India
The recently trained multipliers extensively use the hardware and the software with which they were equipped in Rheine. At the end of the project, all participants agreed that the pronounced peer learning atmosphere created a real and sustainable win-win situation for all three partners which is planned to be continued.