Skills Development for a Green Economy II Programme (SD4GE II)
A key priority of the South African Government is the advancement of the education system to meet the technological requirements of a green economy and the 4th industrial revolution. It is hoped that this strategy will have a positive impact on the low economic growth and high youth unemployment in the country.
The GIZ Skills Development for a Green Economy II (SD4GE II) supports this structural change towards more employment oriented dual TVET approaches in South Africa through various programmes. These programmes encourage the cooperation of private and public stakeholders to promote dual training approaches.
As an expert in the field of technical vocational education and training, Christiani has been actively involved in the development of teacher and instructor capacities and labour market projects aimed at closing the gap between the completion of technical vocational education and training and entry into complex industrial environments.
In two of these projects Christiani industry models are used to train and educate trainees and technical instructors. Complex and real-life problems can be displayed with the Christiani industry models, and both trainees and instructors are given the opportunity to experiment with different practice-oriented solutions.