C-LEARNING – Learning Starts with C
C-LEARNING is the training portal for technical education. It contains everything that trainers need for the basic training of their trainees. With practical, interactive content that can be accessed anytime and anywhere. This is how learning works today.
Learning objective check
Fast real-time search
Individual learning paths
Convenient user administration
The C-LEARNING training platform contains all digital learning content from Christiani
- E-Learnings with learning success checks
- Media centre with table and reference books
- Proven courses from Christiani in digital form
- Digital documents for the Christiani project work
Independent of end devices and systems
- The training platform is browser-based and can be used on PCs and mobile devices.
- Can be used in learning management systems from other providers, e.g. MLS (API and LTI interfaces)
All digital learning media
Metal Technology
For the required basic knowledge and for in-depth study of exam-relevant topics.
The following reference and table books are included in the C-LEARNING plus International subscription model. You can find more information on the content of the digital books here.
Control Technology – Electropneumatics
From machining, joining and testing to work planning, cutting and forming.
The following e-learning modules are included in the C-LEARNING plus International subscription model. More information on the individual modules.
- Machining 1 FL (in english and spanish)
- Machining 2 FL (in english and spanish)
- Machining 3 FL (in english and spanish)
- Machining 4 FL (in english and spanish)
- Machining 5 FL (in english and spanish)
- Machining 6 FL (in english and spanish)
- Machining 7 FL (in english and spanish)
- Joining 1FL (in english and spanish)
- Joining 2FL (in english and spanish)
- Testing 1 FL (in english and spanish)
- Testing 2 FL (in english and spanish)
- Work plan FL (in english and spanish)
- Parting and forming FL (in english and spanish)
The ideal basis for the entire metal training programme
The following courses are included in the C-LEARNING plus International subscription model. You can find more information on the individual company courses here.
Manual Material Processing
Machine-based Material Processing
Thermal Material Processing
Service and Maintance
- Maintenance (trainer)
- Maintenance (trainee)
- Mantenimiento – Fundamentos (profesor)
- Mantenimiento – Fundamentos (alumnos)
Technical Engineering
The digital reference and table books impart the necessary knowledge in theory and practice.
The following reference and table books are included in the C-LEARNING plus International subscription model. You can find more information on the contents of the digital books here.
Particularly geared towards practical implementation.
The following experiment instructions are included in the C-LEARNING plus International subscription model. You can find more information on the individual experiment instructions here.
Machines and Drive Technology
Media for trainers, trainees and informative text volumes.
The following courses are included in the C-LEARNING plus International subscription model. You can find more information on the individual company courses here.
VDE Regulations
Electrical Engineering
Automotive Technology
The digital textbooks impart the necessary knowledge in theory and practice.
The following textbooks are included in the C-LEARNING plus International subscription model. You can find more information about the contents of the digital books here.
Training-relevant topics of automotive technology in a modular format.
The following e-learning modules are included in the C-LEARNING plus International subscription model. You can find more information on the individual modules here.
- E-Learning Automotive Technology – Heavy Vehicles (english and spanish)
- E-Learning Automotive Technology – Passenger Cars (english and spanish)
- E-Learning Automotive Technology – Electric & Hybrid Cars (english and spanish)
- E-Learning Automotive Technology – Vehicle Diagnostics (english and spanish)
- E-Learning Automotive Technology – Collision Repair (english and spanish)

Advantages for trainers
Saving time
By using C-LEARNING, trainers can save time, as they do not have to monitor every learning activity of the trainees. The time spent on research work is also reduced. By constantly enriching new digital products, trainers no longer have to research what is needed for the trainees.
Qualified trainees
Learning progress can be worked on independently at their own pace, tracked individually and given targeted support.
Reduced costs
Our learning platform helps to reduce training costs while increasing the company’s efficiency and productivity. There are no additional or hidden costs when using C-LEARNING plus International.

E-Learnings for the technical basics
C-LEARNING contains e-learning modules on various technical topics, available in different languages. Trainees can deepen and test their knowledge here.
Flexible learning - access on the road, at work, at school or at home
No installation required
Contents also in foreign languages
Learning content is complemented continuously
Cost-effective licenses starting from 1 user
Illustrative animations
Practical content
Interactive tasks
Learning objective check

Digital Specialist and Table Books, Project Work and Training Courses
Christiani’s digital books can be found centrally on c-learning.com in your courses, along with the e-learning courses. This way you can browse all your digital content and have quick access.
- Digital specialist and table books
- Digital documents for project work
- Digital training courses
- Digital experiment manuals

Using Digital Books Browser-Based
Works without an app and in the browser.
Usable on all mobile devices and PCs.
Digital books and e-learning courses can be accessed in a central place.
Multiple digital books can be used in parallel.
Some digital books are supplemented by videos, short learning sequences or tests.
Optimal for learning units and fixed training or classrooms.
Fast real-time search
Thanks to the filter function for language, sector, area and topic.

Individual learning paths
Creation of favorites, which are made available to the learner from the existing courses.

Learning objective test
The learner checks their level of knowledge with (interactive) exercises.

Convenient user administration
Create/remove trainees as required, divide them into groups and assign/remove licenses.

For more information, please contact your regional manager:

Christoph Augull
Regional Manager
Europe, India
Phone +49 7531 5801-236

Maiken Kayser
Regional Manager
North America, Latin America
Phone +49 7531 5801-234

Sule Akarsu
Regional Manager
Sub-Saharan Africa & Central Asia
Phone +49 30 616578-73